Hi Jerry, i really do feel for you. There is certainly some infammation going on whatever the doctors say about this. Have they done any blood tests at all for inflammation tests. You need a blood test with the letters of ESR and CRP written on them, these codes are for the indicators that show up in the blood when there is something that isnt right with the inflammation levels, the ESR is a good guide normally to what is going on. Roughly a normal person with no problems ESR should be around 25, but it varies from person to person, it shouldnt really be above 40, so that might help if you can get this test, but unfortunately sometimes it doesnt always show, but from what you are saying im sure it will. Trouble is when people have PTSD the medical proffession seem to put everything down to being psychosomatic, i had this problem 10 years ago when i had the PTSD first, i had 7 years of therapy, that gives you an idea of what i had gone through in order to need that. Anyway any time i went to the doctors with an ailment of pain etc, they seem to put it down to depression which was really annoying, it wasnt until i had to change doctors as i had moved that i got someone who was actually listening to me and who said at the end of the consultation that he thought he knew what was wrong with me, but wouldnt say until i had had some tests, so i felt more reassured he was listening and he immediately before the tests came back put me on some meds which had some effect after a week, so it proved his theory really. The tests came back positive that i had several illness, none of which can be cured but can be eased with medications, so i thought at least i will be feeling abit better now. But sometimes i do believe that doctors make the assumption there is nothing wrong if someone has any sort of mental issues whatever they are even with PTSD. I used to have nightmares every night, i still get them now and shout out in my sleep, its not nice as you know, and like you say you end up scared to go off to sleep, i find reading something helps me, but sometimes i dont know if thats the answer, as these things lay in our subconscious anyway, so there isnt any way of escaping whatever at the end of the day, its a matter of time and therapy i found. I also tried suicide a long time ago now, and know how desperate that feeling gets when you feel alone and not getting anywhere with anything. Its not nice to feel as though you have no quality of life. I really do think you should insist on some more tests, tell them the pain is making your life a misery, make them listen. Go to someone else if they wont, thats the only answer sometimes, a fresh look sometimes helps. If at first you dont succeed, try, try and try again, its your life and they are supposed to be there to help you. Dont ever feel like you are being a nuisance even if they act as though you are, you need help and should be able to get it. No-one should be in this sort of pain not nowadays with medicine as advanced as it is. One other thing which might help, have you tried a tens machine, a Trans Electrical Nerve Stimulator, it works on providing the bodys own pain killers on the body, i used one for a while and it did help me abit, it wont take away the pain but it might help lesson it. They are around £20 in the UK now, because they are being more used more frequently now, so the price has gone down. I borrowed one initially from my doctors surgery to make sure i didnt spend out without knowing if it would work or not, thats just one option, and heat wraps too, even a hotwater bottle, simple things like these that we dont think of when we are in such pain. When you go to see someone tell them you have tried all the basic remedies so they dont come out with all the usual, and make sure they realise how bad it is. I really cant imagine what you went through in the Gulf, it must of been horrendous to say the least. I knew someone else who was out in Isreal at one time and they still g